Thursday, October 11, 2007

Hellenist Period

332-323 BCE:
Alexander the Great conquers and establishes Hellenist world
323-200 BCE:
Ptolemaic Period- Egyptian rule in the Eretz (land)
200-167 BCE:
Seleucid Period- Greeks rule Eretz Yisrael (land of Israel): Antiochus III- IV
167-63 BCE Hasmonean Period
167-161: Maccabean Revolt under Judah
161-143: Jonathon
142-135: Simon
135-104: John Hycanus
104-103: Judah Aristobulos
103-76: Alexander Yannai
76-67: Salome Alexandra
67-63: Aristobulus- Hurcanus II: Civil War
63 BCE – 66 CE Roman Period
63: Jerusalm captured by Pompey
47-40: Julius Caesar appoints Antipater governor of Judea
40: Parthians plunder Jerusalem- Civil War
37-4: Herod, King of Judea; Hillel and Shammai lead Sanhedrin
6-66 CE: Procurators (Roman Governors)
Greek Revolt
66: Outbreak of the Revolt
67-68: Vespasian recaptures Galilee, Golan, Idumea, Negev
69: Vespasian become Emporer; Titus appointed General
70: Titus lays siege to Jerusalem
March- Titus surrounds Jerusalem
May- Two northern walls captured
June- First wall surrounded
August- Temple set on fire
Spetember – Jerusalem destroyed Sanhedrin moved to Yavneh by R. Yochanan ben Zakkai
70-336 CE Roman Period – Pax Romana
115-117: Diaspora Revolt
132-135: Bar Kochba Revolt against Hadrian; Capture of Jerusalem and Judea; Death of Rabbi Akiva; Beitar falls and revolt ends
135: Jerusalem rebuilt as pagan Roman city of Aelia Capitolina
140: Sanhedrin moves to Galilee
200: Mishna edited by R. Yehuda HaNasi
225: Arrival of Rav and Sammuel in Bablonia; Pumpeditha

by J.K.

1 comment:

Jackie said...

Cite each blog post with where the info comes from, and if you have hot links to web sites for more info, that would be great.